
Difference between Thyristor and IGBT Medium Frequency Furnaces

发表时间:2023-09-27 13:43作者:Haishan Electromechanical来源:Shaanxi Haishan Electromechanical Co., Ltd.网址:http://www.sxhszpl.com

thyristorMedium frequency furnacewith IGBTMedium frequency furnaceAlthough both can be made into induction heating electric furnaces, their operating principles are still very different. thyristorThe intermediate frequency furnace mainly uses thyristor (SCR) full-bridge parallel inverter solid-state power supply, which is used for heating frequencies below 10,000 Hz. The IGBT electric furnace uses an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) half-bridge series inverter solid-state power supply.For heating frequencies above hundreds of thousands Hz. here,Haishan electric furnaceThe editor will introduceThe difference between thyristor and IGBT intermediate frequency furnace.

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      1、thyristorMedium frequency furnaceThe thyristor has a low turn-off speed, so its heating frequency is low and is suitable for low and medium frequency ranges. The heating frequency is generally between 100Hz--8000Hz. It is mostly used for forging heating, round steel heat treatment heating and casting smelting heating.

      2、The switching speed of IGBT intermediate frequency furnace is high, which means that its heating frequency is relatively high. Generally, its heating frequency is from 10000Hz to hundreds of thousands of Hertz. It is mostly used for surface heating of metal materials, especially suitable for heating heat treatment of steel plates, gear surfaces, etc.

3. Regarding the heating power of the intermediate frequency furnace, the thyristorMedium frequency furnaceThe (SCR) full-bridge parallel inverter solid-state power supply has a relatively strong carrying capacity and high heating efficiency. Therefore, the intermediate frequency furnace heating equipment can be designed and manufactured relatively large. The power of the intermediate frequency furnace ranges from a few hundred kilowatts to tens of thousands. kilowatt.

     4、IGBTMedium frequency furnaceAffected by the IGBT module, the carrying capacity of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) half-bridge series inverter solid-state power supply is relatively weak. Its heating power is generally designed and manufactured to be relatively small, mostly around 250Kw. If the IGBT is increased,IGBTMedium frequency furnaceheating power,The IGBT module generates a lot of heat, causing frequent burning of the IGBT module.

5. Starting speed: Due to the fast starting speed of the thyristor (SCR) full-bridge parallel inverter solid-state power supply, the heating time is relatively short, and it is suitable for heating and melting metals and alloys. The insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) half-bridge series inverter solid-state power supply has a slow startup speed and a relatively long heating time.

6. SCRMedium frequency furnaceThe control method is relatively simple. The heating power of the intermediate frequency furnace is controlled by controlling the conduction direction and size of the current. The IGBT intermediate frequency furnace can control the size and direction of the intermediate frequency furnace current by changing the gate voltage, so it is also called a voltage-regulated intermediate frequency furnace.

7. SCRMedium frequency furnaceMainly used in medium frequency applications and high current and high voltage applications, such as forging heating, smelting heating, etc. IGBT is suitable for high-frequency, high-efficiency, dynamic control applications, and is suitable for surface heat treatment heating that is more flexible and requires high frequency.

8. Maintenance: Due to the thyristorMedium frequency furnace(SCR) full-bridge parallel inverter solid-state power supply has higher stability, so the silicon controlledMedium frequency furnaceMaintenance costs are relatively low. The insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)Medium frequency furnaceThe half-bridge series inverter solid-state power supply has low stability, poor heat resistance, fragile modules, and requires higher maintenance costs.

      9、IGBTMedium frequency furnaceComplex control: compared with full-bridge thyristorMedium frequency furnace, half-bridge inverse IGBTMedium frequency furnaceThe control is more complex and requires the use of more control circuits, which increases the complexity of design and operation.

      10、IGBTMedium frequency furnaceOutput power limited: half bridgeIGBTMedium frequency furnaceIt is a one-way circuit, so its output heating power is limited. This makesIGBTMedium frequency furnaceThis may not be sufficient in some applications requiring greater power.

      11、IGBTMedium frequency furnacePoor stability: due to half bridgeIGBTMedium frequency furnaceDuring operation, it may be affected by many factors, such as load changes, power supply fluctuations, etc., which may causeIGBTMedium frequency furnaceDistortion or instability of the output waveform.

      12、thyristorMedium frequency furnaceStrong anti-interference ability:thyristorMedium frequency furnaceThe inverter adopts the average sampling scheme, which improves the anti-interference ability of the inverter.

In general,thyristorMedium frequency furnaceIt has the advantages of uniform heating, high efficiency and energy saving, high startup success rate, strong reliability, high control accuracy, and strong anti-interference ability, and has been widely used in industrial production.


If anythyristorMedium frequency furnaceFor needs, please call Manager Guo at 13891812360; morethyristorMedium frequency furnaceFor information, please follow the website of Shaanxi Haishan Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. http://www.sxhszpl.com

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